A number of people from my high school (who I never talk to ever, but felt the need to add me as a friend) have caught my attention. People who were not only ugly physically, but ugly mentally and spiritually, are either engaged, married or pregnant. What? These were people who I never thought would be in a relationship with anyone, especially before the numbers of people who were GOOD people on the inside.
Then, I look at a friend of mine from college. She's a nice person, very much plus size, but also had the ability to be overbearing and pushy. She is in a relationship, and has been for some time now.
I'm happy for those people who have settled down and have their lives in order (Tris, Kristen), but I also wonder how some people could have found someone to be with, yet I can't. I'm always "just the friend." If I were a guy, I'd be the "nice guy" that no girl would want to date.
Perhaps it's all coming down to the fact that I'm not handling having him around the playhouse well, or perhaps it's because I'm just frustrated that asshole bitches can find men. Either way, I need a good night's sleep and a good day to follow.