Sunday, November 28, 2010

About me

My readers should know me pretty well by now, but just in case you need a refresher this list is here to help.

-I have 7 siblings. All but one is a half-blood relationship. One of my older sisters was adopted.

-Family means a great deal to me. I don't see them all as often as I'd like, but when we are together we talk, laugh and have a good time.

-I have a couple of grudges that just cannot be let go. I'm not proud to admit it, but I'm honest with myself about it. I'm better off without those people in my life and will not be told otherwise.

-I may not know a great deal about the world but being told I'm wrong about what I do know about is a way to boil my blood almost instantly. I pride myself on what education I have and am willing to learn more about what I don't know.

-I take even greater pride in my work ethic. I am highly offended when someone questions the work I do or makes me feel as though I have slacked off.

-I will give anything and everything I can to those I love, no questions asked. I spend all I can, give as much of my emotional self as I can and even will do what I can physically to help a loved one.

-I don't expect anyone to do for me as I've been independent for my whole life. I don't accept compliments, presents or praise well. I do, however, feel incredibly lucky if someone does something small for me without my knowing.

-I hate being asked if I need help. Instead of asking me, find something you can do to help without my dictating a task, or leave me alone. If I really feel as though help were needed, you would know. Want to really help? Do something for me that I don't enjoy doing!

-I am a particular person about many things. I only use Charmin Ultra Strong toilet paper, pantene pro-v hydrating curls conditioner and I only drink skim milk. These are things I will not willingly change because I find them better than the others. I will spend extra if I have to to have these things.

-I had a step-father who has unfortunately shaped my view of men and has shown me all I cannot have in a relationship. This is not fair to the people I date, but fair to me. The amount of stress he brought to my life and the awful situations I found myself in have in a sense scarred me and I will not live through it again. If this means I'll be alone for the rest of my life, so be it.

-I am a heavy-set woman, but I am active in many ways. I work an active job (running with students, continual walking, swimming, lifting,) I figure skate, hike, boat and move in general. I don't mind staying in, but must not do so for too long. My body physically hurts if I am still for too long.

-My biggest pet-peeve is chewing with your mouth open. I have worked with students who do not have the physical ability to close their mouth when they chew. For everyone who does not suffer from a physical condition it comes down to being lazy.

-My mother is my best friend in the world. This is a fact that must be accepted. This does not mean I do not have other best friends. It just means that she is the one I go to above anyone else.

-I want children. Three or Four children. I hope to be the same kind of mother my mother was to me.

-In a sense, my dog Coda is my first baby. I will do anything to protect him, love him fiercely and will always do more than what I need to do for him. He may frustrate me at times, but he is unwavering in his love, always loyal, and his snuggling up with me has incredible healing powers.

-I suffer from poly-cystic ovarian syndrome. (PCOS) I have been on a birth control regimen since i was 15. I grow hair in strange places, have pretty wicked menstrual cycles and may have troubles getting pregnant when the time comes. It's not fun to deal with.

-I do not like my face to be touched. Part of it is because I like my own personal space, the other part is because of the prickly PCOS hair I grow on various parts of my face. I don't feel feminine because of it, and I don't want anyone to feel it.

-I often make myself available to be "dumped on" by friends but hate bringing my troubles to them. I end up being more emotional over my stresses being shared than I am about the situations I am discussing. I am sometimes too strong for my own good.

-I haul 50lb bags of dog food on my shoulder, can carry all of my groceries in one trip from the car and carry my own Christmas tree without hesitation. I do, however, bruise easily and have a sensitivity to pressure on various parts of my body. The lightest touch can feel like a punch at times.

I will add more later.


1 comment:

  1. I read this earlier today and was curious as to what prompted it, but after our conversation I can understand more. Men suck! (except for my husband lol)
